Starting salaries for newly qualified plumbers can be between £16,500 and £21,000 a year. Experienced plumbers can earn between £21,000 and £35,000 a year.
Rates vary in different regions. The highest average salaries are in London and the South-East.
Self-employed plumbers set their own rates.
(National Careers Service)
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I gained an industry-recognised qualification and I was offered a job straight away. Thank you Trades Courses.
The course was a good balance of practical work and course work with great tutors.
Since qualifying I am now working for one of the largest house builders in the UK.
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To find out more about trades training courses: Please submit your details and a (selected) UK trades training provider will arrange to call you to provide more information about their trades training courses.
Please Note; we do not share your contact details with any other organisation for marketing purposes; Only with the selected trades training provider offering their services and advice on your course selection.
REQUEST MORE INFO.I gained an industry-recognised qualification and I was offered a job straight away. Thank you Trades Courses.
The course was a good balance of practical work and course work with great tutors.
Since qualifying I am now working for one of the largest house builders in the UK.
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